Optimization of Iran’s Production in Forouzan Common Oil Filed based on Game Theory

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


1 Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Kish International Campus‎, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran

2 ‎Faculty of Management, ‎University of Tehran, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran


One of Iran's problems in the production of common oil and gas fields is unequal extraction‎. ‎Therefore‎, ‎the production of common oil and gas fields in onshore and offshore is essential for Iran‎, ‎so this must carefully monitor‎, ‎which can be considered as a game-liked approach‎, ‎that each player tries to increase its payoff‎. ‎Therefore‎, ‎the purpose of this study is to apply game theory in examining Iran's approaches to extracting from common oil fields‎. ‎For this purpose‎, ‎the present study seeks to design a mathematical model to optimize the production of Iran against a competitor using a game‎. ‎Since the proposed model is in the field of mathematical modeling‎, ‎the research strategy is a case study‎. ‎Meanwhile‎, ‎the data-gathering tool is descriptive‎. ‎The results showed that Iran's equilibrium in Forouzan oil field is cooperation‎, ‎and the equilibrium of Saudi Arabia is non-cooperation‎. ‎Finally‎, ‎the executive policies based on research results presented‎.


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