Providing a Framework for Increasing Security in Digital Document Management Systems

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, I. R. Iran


In the era of information technology and the expansion of global networks, digital document management systems play a crucial role in providing services. The use of digital instead of paper documents has become more common to reduce the administrative costs in small and large organizations. One of the most significant concerns of such systems, though, is the security of documents against alteration or distortion. There are various ways to increase the security of digital documents and this paper is aimed at providing a new framework of the combination of steganography and cryptography to increase the security of digital documents.

The proposed method first has been tested and reviewed with MATLAB 2018 software on standard images such as Lena, Baboon and Pepper. Then, it has been tested on digital documents of the Social Security Organization through the proposed conceptual model which utilizes a combination of unique image features to generate messages. The evaluation of results indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method and its applicability in digital document management systems.


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