Bogomolov Multiplier and Isoclinism of Lie Rings

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


1 ‎Department of Pure Mathematics, ‎Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, ‎Mashhad‎, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran

2 ‎School of Mathematics and Computer Science, ‎Damghan University, ‎Damghan‎, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran


‎In the present paper it is shown that Bogomolov multipliers of isoclinic Lie rings are isomorphic‎. ‎Also‎, ‎we show that isoclinic finite Lie rings have isoclinic CP covers‎. ‎Finally‎, ‎it is proved that if $CE_1$ and $CE_2$ are central extensions which are isoclinic‎, ‎then $CE_2$ is a CP extension if $CE_1$ is so‎.


Main Subjects

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