On Eccentricity Version of Laplacian Energy of a Graph

Document Type : Special Issue: Energy of Graphs


Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities (Mathematics), Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


The energy of a graph G is equal to the sum of absolute values of the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G, whereas the Laplacian energy of a graph G is equal to the sum of the absolute value of the difference between the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of G and the average degree of the vertices of G. Motivated by the work from Sharafdini and Panahbar [R. Sharafdini, H. Panahbar, Vertex weighted Laplacian graph energy and other topological indices. J. Math. Nanosci. 2016, 6, 57-65], in this paper we investigate the eccentricity version of Laplacian energy of a graph G.


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