k-Intersection Graph of a Finite Set

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


1 Department of Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, I. R. Iran

2 Department of Pure Mathematics and The Center of Excellence in Analysis on Algebraic Structures, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, I. R. Iran

3 Department of Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, International Campus Mashhad, I. R. Iran


For any nonempty set Ω and k-subset Λ, the k-intersection graph, denoted by Γm(Ω,Λ), is an undirected simple graph whose vertices are all m-subsets of Ω and two distinct vertices A and B are adjacent if and only if A∩B ⊈ Λ. In this paper, we determine diameter, girth, some numerical invariants and planarity, Hamiltonian and perfect matching of these graphs. finally we investigate their adjacency matrices.


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