Toplogical and Geometric KM-Single Valued Neutrosophic Metric Spaces

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


‎Department of Mathematics, University of Payame Noor, ‎Tehran‎, ‎Iran


‎This paper introduces the novel concept of KM-single valued neutrosophic metric spaces as an especial generalization of KM-fuzzy metric spaces‎, ‎investigates several topological and structural properties and presents some of its applications‎. This study also considers the metric spaces and constructs KM-single valued neutrosophic spaces with respect to any given triangular norms and triangular conorms‎. ‎Moreover‎, ‎we try to extend the concept of KM-single valued neutrosophic metric spaces to a larger class of KM-single valued neutrosophic metric spaces such as union of KM-single valued neutrosophic metric spaces and product of KM-single valued neutrosophic metric spaces


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