Pseudo o-Minimality for Double Stone Algebras

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


1 Faculty of Mathematics, statistics and computer science, University of tabriz, Iran

2 Faculty of Mathematics, statistics and computer science, University of tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Pseudo o-minimality is a generalization of o-minimality of linear orders to partial orders. Recently Lei Chen, Niandong Shi and Guohua Wu provided pseudo o-minimality for the class of Stone algebras. In this note we use quantifier elimination property to show that the class of double Stone algebras is pseudo o-minimal in their expanded language.


Main Subjects

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Volume 8, Issue 1
Special Issue: Proceedings of the 27th Iranian Algebra Seminar (IAS27) --- Editors: Reza Sharafdini and Mojtaba Sedaghatjoo
March 2023
Pages 35-45