Simultaneous‎ ‎Location‎ ‎of k Portable Emergency Service Centers and Reconstruction of a Damaged Network

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


1 ‎Department of Mathematics, ‎Shahed University,‎ ‎Tehran‎, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran

2 ‎Department of Computer Sciences, ‎Shahed University,‎ ‎Tehran‎, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran



‎This paper addresses the problem of optimizing the reconstruction of links in a network in the aftermath of natural disasters or human errors‎, ‎such as landslides‎, ‎floods‎, ‎storms‎, ‎earthquakes‎, ‎bombing‎, ‎war‎, ‎etc‎. We aim to determine the optimal sequence for reconstructing the destroyed links within a specific time horizon, while simultaneously locating ‎‎(k)‎‎ portable emergency service centers (where ‎‎(k > 2) throughout the entire network. ‎In this paper‎, ‎the problem is considered in a tree structure‎. ‎A greedy algorithm and a heuristic method‎, ‎namely‎, ‎maximum radius‎, ‎are proposed to solve the problem‎. ‎We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms using randomly generated data‎. ‎The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods‎.


Main Subjects

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