Collocation‎ ‎Method‎ ‎Based‎ ‎on‎ ‎Rational Gegenbauer Functions for Solving the Two Dimensional Stagnation Point Flow

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


‎Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Science, ‎University of Kashan, ‎Kashan‎, ‎I‎. ‎R‎. ‎Iran


‎This work applies rational Gegenbauer functions and a collocation scheme to solve the governing equation for two-dimensional fluid flow near a stagnation point‎, ‎known as Hiemenz flow‎. ‎We utilize a truncated series expansion of rational Gegenbauer functions on the semi-infinite interval and Gegenbauer–Gauss points to reduce the problem to a set of nonlinear algebraic equations‎. ‎Newton's iteration technique is employed to solve these algebraic equations‎. ‎The scheme is straightforward to implement‎, ‎and our new results are compared with established numerical results‎, ‎demonstrating the method's effectiveness and accuracy‎.


Main Subjects

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